Unit Election Update
As of January 1st, 2021:
We are NO LONGER able to accept requests via email, verbal, or postal for OA Unit Elections, or OA/Camp Visitations.
ALL Requests, and Unit Election Data must go through the new Inductions Module.
This Also Means Units Can No Longer Run Their Own Unit Election and Send Us the Results.
At the National Level, The OA LodgeMaster Team has added an Inductions Module to our online database. For those wondering what LodgeMaster is, it is an online system provided by National we use for record keeping among other things within the Lodge.
This New Inductions Module will handle all Unit Election Data, starting with requests, then once the election has been scheduled; paperwork will be created, after the election, this Module will help candidates (13 and Older) on their way to their ordeal via a new Inductions Journey that is part of the new Member Portal.
Due to this change that has been made at "The National Level" and others on the way, the Lodge has needed to update how we will be handing unit elections and/or OA/Camp Visitations for our Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts Units within the council.
At this time this the OA LodgeMaster Team is still working on the Inductions Module (and a New Unit Portal), but this is currently how the system will work.
Around February 1st the Lodge via their Online Database (OA LodgeMaster) will send an email to All Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts Units requesting they schedule an election and/or OA/Camp Visitation.
Emails from The LodgeMaster System will come from no-reply-382@lodgemaster.oa-bsa.org, Please check your spam folder.
In this Email the Unit will receive a special link to a request portal where they will be able to schedule their election with the Lodge.
If your Unit did not receive an email, please email us at unitelections@ahcoa165.org
Please Note: The Inductions Module system will send a reminder email about every 15 days; this is because the Special Link is only valid for 14 days.
Please understand this email is not to "spam" or pressure you, but as with your unit's re-charter requirements, the lodge has our own set of re-charter requirements that we need to complete. One of our re-charter requirements is to make sure we have connected with every unit. This is also a program-based automatic reminder.
Please Note: If you wish to Decline a Unit Elections AND OA/Camp Visitation for the year, you must do so via email at unitelections@ahcoa165.org, as the request portal does not have an area to decline a visit at this time.
When making your request to decline you must state the reason for declining both an OA unit election and the OA/camp presentation as this information has to be recorded in order for the system to turn off the automated reminders.
How we will be conducting Unit Elections and OA/Camp Visitations will be changing as well.