Brotherhood Membership
Ever since the inception of the Order of the Arrow in 1915, it was intended that all members should be equal in rank. Brotherhood membership does not provide a specific degree of rank, status, or special honor like that of the Vigil Honor.
Instead, the Brotherhood is an opportunity for members to reaffirm their belief in the high purposes of the Order. The ceremony is intended as a source of inspiration that motivates brothers to give even greater service to Scouting.
As an Ordeal member, your focus should be on providing leadership to your home unit. After 6 months as an Ordeal Member, you have the opportunity to take the next step in your membership journey and become a Brotherhood Member.
Becoming a Brotherhood member publicly shows your commitment to the Order of the Arrow and its ideals. Your journey towards Brotherhood membership — highlights the lessons and traditions learned during the Ordeal and provides you with in-depth information about continuing your involvement on the Lodge and the Order of the Arrow as a whole.
An Ordeal member may become a Brotherhood member when they have completed
If you believe you are eligible but are unsure, feel free to contact the Lodge's OA LodgeMaster Team by emailing them at: Subject "Brotherhood Eligible?" and they will gladly answer that question for you.
(Youth Please CC Your Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) to your email to help in following Youth Protection Guidelines. Failure to do so may result in no reply)
Ho-Nan-Ne-Ont Lodge 165 typically offers opportunities for completing Brotherhood during induction weekends, but we may hold others as needed.
Visit Our Events Page for Upcoming Dates.
Your Lodge Membership Dues for the year must be paid in order for you to become a Brotherhood member in the Order of the Arrow.
There is a little bit of a higher cost when you are ready to become a brotherhood Member. This Fee is $40.00 and includes your new Brotherhood Sash, Second Lodge Restricted Flap, and Meals for the weekend.