Lodge Officer Positions Descriptions
All Positions and/or Descriptions are subject to change at any time via the Lodge Executive Committee, Lodge Advisers, or the Scout Executive.
The success of an OA Lodge is dependent on active and engaged Officers. Each Officer will have an experienced Adult Adviser assigned to them to work with them (and their team).
Advisers in the OA are experienced Scouters who enjoy volunteering their time to mentor motivated Arrowmen. Advisers train, coach, and guide their Officers to complete assigned duties that exceed what is normally asked of Young Scouts in high school or college.
Lodge Officers are expected to diligently work with their Adviser, Their Fellow Officers, Committee Members, and with other Arrowmen.
Service as a Lodge Officer is not for everyone. Lodge Officers are expected to be able to budget their time between Family, Religious, School, Sports, Clubs, and other responsibilities with what is required of them as a Lodge Officer.
Many great Officers have served with distinction and managed their other responsibilities well, but some have not, remember this program is youth lead and needs great Officers to run it.
Since the effective operation of the Lodge depends on each Lodge Officer, any Officer who finds that they cannot keep up with the duties or balance these duties with other commitments and obligations will be expected to resign or they will be removed from office.
All Positions and/or Descriptions are subject to change at any time via the Lodge Executive Committee, Lodge Advisers, or the Scout Executive.
All Lodge Officers, if possible, should have a computer, and or smartphone.
Each Lodge Officer is expected to do the following along with their Elected Position Description:
Attend ALL scheduled Lodge events and the Section Conclave, and NOAC.
Attend ALL scheduled Lodge LEC Meetings.
Attend ANY Council Events the Lodge has been asked to help with.
Officers are expected to attend and participate in a limited number of other meetings, Trainings (Section/Region/National), planning sessions, and special projects throughout the lodge year, especially throughout the fall of the current year as we plan the new year. Dates for these meetings will be set by the LEC.
Regularly communicate with their adviser, committee, and other officers throughout the year. (Following YPT)
Meet the goals and milestones that are set.
Help recruit, train, and lead Lodge members in carrying out the Lodge’s year-round program.
Set the example by correctly wearing a full Class A uniform.
Always conduct themselves according to the highest standards of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and OA Obligation.
Be able to budget their time between Family, Religious, School, Sports, Clubs, and other responsibilities with what is required of them as a Lodge Officer.
Lodge Chief:
The Lodge Chief is an Ex-Officio member of all Lodge Committees.
Duties Include:
They are the Chairman of the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) and oversees all the functions and committees of the Lodge, including the Vigil Honor Committees, unless they are eligible for the honor, in that case they will appoint a chairman.
Be a member of the Council Executive Board, by virtue of their position, and is expected to attend board meetings as their schedule allows.
Be a member of the Section Council of Chief’s (COC) and is expected to attend those meetings as their schedule allows and take notes to bring back to the Lodge.
They are to give leadership to the LEC in striving to the attainment of Quality Lodge.
The Chief must attend and serve as chair for all LEC meetings & is the “Tip of the Arrow” for promoting participation in all Lodge Events.
Submit a newsletter article for every newsletter.
Will do weekly checks with the other LEC Members and Advisers for checkup on Event Planning and other Lodge functions.
Executive Vice-Chief: *
The Executive Vice-Chief is appointed by the Lodge Chief with the advice and consent of the Lodge Adviser, Staff Adviser, and the Scout Executive.
Duties Include:
Assist the other Officer's when they need help.
Be able to represent the Lodge Chief at functions if the Lodge Chief cannot attend.
Also, should have knowledge of the Lodge and the Section Operations.
Duties Include:
Taking minutes at each Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) meetings and distributing them out to members within one week of the meeting.
They will represent the Lodge at all events in the absence of the Lodge Chief or Executive Vice-Chief.
They will be responsible for helping with registration at all Lodge Events and helping the Lodge Trading Post as needed.
They will handle Membership Dues/Updates with the help of the OA LodgeMaster Administrator at events.
They will submit Event Reports to the OA LodgeMaster Administrator for Lodge Records.
Treasurer/Trading Post Manager:
Duties Include:
They will be responsible for the Lodge Trading Post at all Lodge Events or events the Lodge may set up at.
They will help the Lodge Secretary with the collection of Lodge Membership Dues/Updates at events.
They are to work with the Council’s Accounting Specialist on all Lodge Finances and get a Monthly Report and are to keep track of Lodge Finances and report the Balance and any changes at Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) meetings.
They will also submit a monthly Report to the OA LodgeMaster Administrator for lodge records.
Vice Chief of Communications:
Duties Include:
They are to collect articles from Lodge Officers, Committee Members and Advisers as well as other Arrowmen and compile them to create our quarterly newsletter and ensure its timely distribution.
Will work with the Lodge Webmaster: [Adult Adviser(s)] to ensure our website is updated with important information in a timely manner.
Will work with the Webmaster of our Council Website with the help of their Adult Adviser to ensure events and information is listed and linked to our website as needed.
They are to use the Lodge Social Media System, Apps, OA LodgeMaster and Email System to send out interim communications to help keep all our members informed.
They are to oversee all Lodge Social Media Pages and must have a capable device to access them (a Computer and Smartphone): They are to post important information, updates, add photos taken from events. (Please note this will be under strict adviser supervision.)
All communications to Lodge Members are their responsibility.
Also, will work closely with the Lodge Secretary and Vice Chief of Membership and Unit Relations.
Vice Chief of Ceremonies:
Duties Include:
They are responsible for inspiring our members with dramatic, thought-invoking, well-articulated ceremonies.
Are responsible for maintaining trained ceremony teams for The Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, and if of honor Brotherhood and Vigil ceremonies. If they are not they are not Brotherhood or Vigil they are responsible for finding an Arrowmen to help train a ceremony team for those honors.
Will schedule training sessions and communicate to the team members in a timely fashion.
Check the National Order of the Arrow Website from time to time for any updates to ceremonies and pass this information onto the ceremony teams and Lodge LEC and Advisers.
Will be responsible for all ceremony materials, and the upkeep of Lodge Regalia.
They will recruit new ceremony team members.
Vice Chief of Program:
Duties Include:
Responsible for the oversight of all lodge activities, to include Spring/Fall Ordeals, Spring/Fall Fellowships, Holiday Party, Annual Family Banquet, all training events, The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC), Conclaves, and any other event the Lodge plans or is assisting with.
Will work with the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) to appoint chairmen for The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC), and the Section Conclave and work directly with them to be sure they are successful.
Will work to set up Committees/Staff for each Lodge Event with the help of other LEC Members and Advisers.
Will Work with the Vice Chief of Membership and Unit Relations to prepare any Lodge activities that will be done during the Council’s District Roundtable.
Vice Chief of Membership and Unit Relations (District Representatives):
They oversee everyday operations between the Lodge and its members and units and work very closely with the Lodge Secretary and Vice Chief of Communications
Duties Include:
Setup District/Service Area Teams and Support these teams in their job.
Report all planned unit support to the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) for voting on the suggested action, or if the need is immediate, report the project to the Key 3 for evaluation and approval.
They will be the “Tip of the Arrow” when it comes to Council Roundtables and informing members of what is happening in the Lodge. Details will be provided by the Vice Chief of Communications along with any documents. They will also be supported by the Vice Chief of Program with any activities run by the Lodge in a Roundtable and are not required to lead every activity.
They will be responsible for all unit elections teams and will communicate with every unit leader with the help of the Vice Chief of Communications and the Communications Adviser or OA LodgeMaster Team to solidify unit election planning.
They will help the District/Service Area Teams set up Unit Visitation Teams for their District/Service Area consisting of Lodge Members from around their District/Service Area to help make sure the Visitations and Unit Elections happen.
This does not mean they have to conduct all unit elections across the Council, just make sure they happen, and help the District/Service Area Teams when needed.
They will be responsible for helping the District/Service Area Teams Train their Elections Teams per National Publications from the National Order of the Arrow Website.
Along with their Adult Adviser, they will meet annually with the Council District Associates the Council/District Camping Chairman to review how to best support their efforts.
Will Setup and recruit Committees in each service area to help with operations listed above.