Membership Transfer
Membership Transfer
Once a Scout or Scouter goes through their Ordeal, they are a member of the Order of the Arrow for the rest of their life (as long as they are registered within Scouting America and dues paid with an Order of the Arrow Lodge).
Once a Scout or Scouter goes through their Ordeal, they are a member of the Order of the Arrow for the rest of their life (as long as they are registered within Scouting America and dues paid with an Order of the Arrow Lodge).
When an Arrowmen moves to a new Council, they will to need to connect with the local OA Lodge to continue active membership. Please Note that members of the Order of the Arrow can only have active membership in one Lodge at a time.
Members may transfer their membership into Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge 165 or from Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge 165 to other lodges via the forms below:
When an Arrowmen moves to a new Council, they will to need to connect with the local OA Lodge to continue active membership. Please Note that members of the Order of the Arrow can only have active membership in one Lodge at a time.
Members may transfer their membership into Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge 165 or from Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge 165 to other lodges via the forms below: