A Guide To Accessing The Member Portal For The First Time:


For assistance with Setting up and accessing your Member Portal for the first time, Please Follow the steps below

Step 1:

Find the Email Invitation from Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge, OA <no-reply-382@lodgemaster.oa-scouting.org>

with the Subject Lodge Portal Invitation


The Membership Portal invite will look Like Photo 1.

Once opened you can click Claim Account and move to step 2.

Remember Your invitation will expire in 14 days.

Do not Delete this email until account is 100% Setup.

Member Portal Invitation Email (Photo 1)

Didn't get the email or your code has expired? 

Do Not Delete the Email until the setup of your Member Portal is complete.

Step 2:

After Clicking Claim Account you will be asked to log in or create an Arrow ID. (Photo 2)

Most members will have to Create an Arrow ID. 

If you already have an Arrow ID skip to Step 4 Here.

ArrowID Login Screen (Photo 2)

Step 2.1:

After Clicking Don't have an account yet? you will be taken to a screen that will ask for the following information (Photo 2.1):

After the above information has been entered click Register, you then will see a Confirm Email Message (Photo 2.2)

Check your email for a Confirm Your Account Email this email will come from ArrowID - Order of the Arrow, Scouting America <no-reply-id@oa-scouting.org> remember to check your spam/junk folder.

Once opened - The Email will Look Like Photo 2.3

ArrowID Create Account Screen (Photo 2.1)

ArrowID Confirm Email Screen (Photo 2.2)

ArrowID Confirm Account Email (Photo 2.3)

ArrowID Confirm Email Screen 2 (Photo 2.4)

Step 3:

New ArrowID Members:

After signing in you will see a welcome back screen (Photo 3) with the message No Application Access and a Have An invite? button - Click the Have An Invite Button 

A new window will pop up Called Add Application Select the Following:




After the above has been filled in click ADD

Congrats your New Member Portal Account has been set up. (Photo 3.2)

To access your account just click on your name or the Arrow

ArrowID No Application Access (Photo 3)

ArrowID Add Application (Photo 3.1)

Member Portal Added (Photo 3.2)


You will receive an email from Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge, OA <no-reply-382@lodgemaster.oa-scouting.org> with the Subject Lodge Portal Account Claimed (Photo 1)

Your Lodge portal account has been claimed (Photo 1)

Step 4:

Current ArrowID Members:

Log with Your ArrowID Account. (Photo 4)

After Logging in you will see a screen called Claiming Account Click Load Member Portal to be Taken to your Member Portal Account (Photo 4.1)

Congrats your New Member Portal Account has been set up.

To access your account just click on your name or the Arrow

ArrowID Login (Photo 4)

ArrowID Claiming Accout (Photo 4.1)


You will receive an email from Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge, OA <no-reply-382@lodgemaster.oa-scouting.org> with the Subject Lodge Portal Account Claimed (Photo 1)

Your Lodge portal account has been claimed (Photo 1)

If you need further assistance, please contact oalodgemaster@ahcoa165.org 

(Youth Please CC Your Parent(s) or Guardian(s) to your email to help in following Youth Protection Guidelines. Failure to do so may result in no reply)