How To Check If My Membership Dues Are Paid Via The Member Portal
Access to the Member Portal is currently only available for members 13 and older
Also, Ordeal Candidates do not Pay Dues - until they become a member by taking part in an induction (Ordeal) Weekend (and their 1st year is covered within the event cost)
For assistance with Setting up and accessing your Member Portal for the first time, Please Click Here
Step 1:
Head to and Log in with your Arrow ID
ArrowID Login Screen
Step 1.5:
Some Members may be directed to the Application Screen upon login if they have more than one Application
Example - They have Access to LodgeMaster and a Member Portal
Click on The Member Portal Account you wish to Access
Application Screen
Step 2:
Once Logged you will be greeted with a Welcome Screen
Note - Welcome Screen will look a little different for Ordeal/New Members/Brotherhood Candidates
Click on Update your Profile
Welcome Screen
Step 3:
Depending on Screen size you may need to scroll down to the Lodge Member Information Area
Within this area you will find a box labeled - Dues Paid Through
This Box will show a Year
This Year is the Max Year your Membership Dues have been paid
Dues run from January 1st do December 31st of each year.
So, your Dues are Paid until December 31st of the year listed
Update Your Profile Screen with dues area shown