Join The Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge 165 

TeamReach Group

Lodge Members,

Your Lodge Officers have been using TeamReach to collaborate, and we are now opening a group up for all Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge members to join and connect with each other from around the Lodge!

What is TeamReach?

How the Lodge Uses TeamReach:

Please Read the Lodge Rules and Guidelines found below before clicking the Request Access to TeamReach Button

Lodge Rules and Guidelines:

Lodge Rules:

These criteria will be verified with Lodge and Scouting America records prior to approving each request. 

Parents and Guardians wishing to join:

Lodge Guidelines:
By joining the Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge 165 TeamReach Group, you are agreeing to follow these guidelines:

Violations of these guidelines will result in removal from the TeamReach Group and notification will be sent to the Scout Executive.

Request Access to TeamReach

If your request is approved (usually within 3 days), you will receive an email invitation (from to join the Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge 165 TeamReach Group.