Standard Operating Procedures (By-Laws, Lodge Rules)
Please Note: This Page is still being updated, and things are being changed and added.
Once Complete a Downloadable PDF Will be Available and an Approved-on Date and when things will go into effect Date will be Posted.
Mission Statement:
The mission of this Lodge is to fulfill the purpose of the Order of the Arrow (OA) as an integral part of Scouting America in the Allegheny Highlands Council #382 through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.
Article I — The Official Name of the Lodge
Section 1.
The name of the Lodge of the Order of the Arrow shall be Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge; a Seneca Name meaning “The Doorkeeper”
Sidenote: The Seneca Nation of Indians is within the Lodge’s Service Area.
The Lodge number shall be 165 and can be used at the end of the Lodge Name when needed.
Section 2.
The Lodge shall be affiliated with the Allegheny Highlands Council #382, Scouting America out of Falconer, New York and shall be under the administrative authority of the Council Scout Executive, or their designee.
Section 3.
The totem of the Lodge shall be that of a Great Blue Heron, and the Lodge song will be “Heron Man” (See Appendix A)
Section 4.
The Lodge will use “Chapters” only as a geographic marker (meaning no chapter officers). This is to help record members and units within the Council in the OA LodgeMaster Database System. These chapters will follow the same districts and/or service areas, as the Council, and have the same names.
Section 5.
The Lodge shall have a web presence, in the following ways - A Lodge Website, Social Media Pages, and at least one Mobile Application. (See
Appendix B For Full Listing)
Lodge Email Addresses shall use the following Domain
Emails may also be sent using the OA LodgeMaster Email Module. Emails Sent from this Module will have the following Email Address Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge, OA <>
Article II — The Objectives of Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge
Section 1.
The vision, purpose, mission and principles of this Lodge are the same as those specified by the National Order of the Arrow, on their website and within current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook.
Article III — The Rules for Membership within Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge
Section 1.
Election to Membership:
The requirements for membership in this Lodge are those currently specified by the National Order of the Arrow, on their website, and within current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook, and the following Guides: Officers and Advisers, Inductions, and Unit Elections.
Section 2.
Active members of this Lodge shall be those who are currently registered with Scouting America, and part of Allegheny Highlands Council. They have also paid their membership dues for the current charter year.
Adult Members (18 and Older) must also be Youth Protection Trained and registered in a fee-required position.
Members will be notified by the “Lodge Database Team” if they (the Lodge Database Team) see there is a problem with their Scouting America Membership and will work with that member and council (if needed) to fix the problem.
Section 3.
There shall be NO Honorary or Lifetime Memberships within Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge; this is in accordance with National Order of the Arrow policies.
Section 4.
Active members shall receive notice(s) of all activities and events, regular meetings and special meetings. Lodge Officer Committee, and event planning meetings can be exempt from these notices if the Lodge Executive Committee wishes.
Section 6.
A member who has not paid their membership dues for the current charter year shall receive a notice from the Lodge Treasurer (or delegate), letting them know their membership is inactive due to their membership dues not being paid and provide information for reactivation, in the form of a dues payment form that can be turned in at a Lodge event or at the Council office and an online payment link. This notice will be in the form(s) of contact on file and that of which the member requested to be contacted by. Lack of reply after 3 attempts will indicate the member has no further interest in renewing their membership and will then be considered inactive.
Section 7.
An inactive member may be restored to active membership status by paying the current year’s dues. This can be done by paying at a Lodge Event or Online. Proof of membership in Scouting America must be provided by the inactive member if Lodge records do not reflect the member being registered in Scouting America prior to the reactivation.
Section 8.
Members moving out of our Lodge’s service area may request their individual history report to provide to their new Lodge.
Members moving into our Lodge service area shall provide proof of being a member of the Order of the Arrow. This can be done via an individual history report provided by their previous Lodge, and patches/sashes, photos of them during their time as a member. The Lodge holds the right to test a person on their knowledge of the Order of the Arrow if they feel it is necessary to help in verifying, they are a member.
Section 9.
Ordeal membership shall be granted to duly elected candidates in accordance with the Current Order of the Arrow Handbook, the Order of the Arrow Handbook for Officers and Advisers, and the Guide to Inductions.
Section 10.
Brotherhood membership shall be granted to Ordeal members in accordance with the Current Order of the Arrow Handbook, and the Order of the Arrow Handbook for Officers and Advisers.
Section 11.
Vigil Honor membership shall be granted in accordance with the Current Order of the Arrow Handbook, and the Order of the Arrow Handbook for Officers and Advisers.
Section 12.
Only dues paid members of the Lodge under the age of twenty-one (21) shall be considered active voting members and have a vote in official matters of Lodge business.
Article IV — The Election of Lodge Officers
Section 1.
The officers of the Lodge shall be a Lodge Chief, an Executive Vice Chief, a Lodge Secretary, a Lodge Treasurer, a Lodge Vice Chief of Communications, a Lodge Vice Chief of Ceremonies, a Lodge Vice Chief of Program, and Two (2) Vice Chief of Membership and Unit Relations (District Representatives). The duties and responsibilities of each officer are described below. These elected officers must be under twenty-one (21) years of age for the entire term of their office.
Lodge Chief
Executive Vice Chief
Lodge Secretary
Lodge Treasurer
Vice Chief of Communications
Vice Chief of Ceremonies
Vice Chief of Program
Vice Chief of Membership and Unit Relations (One Per District)
Section 2.
In Addition to the duties listed above –
Section 3.
All candidates interested in running for a Lodge position shall submit a letter of intent specifying each position they are running for. This letter should be submitted to the Lodge Adviser Committee at least seven (7) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting when elections are to be held. Lodge Officers running for re-election must also submit a letter of intent at least seven (7) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
Section 4.
Lodge Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of all Members under twenty-one (21) years of age in attendance of the Annual Business Meeting. Lodge Officer elections shall be conducted as the last piece of Lodge business at the Lodge Annual Business Meeting. Officers shall be elected in the following order: Lodge Chief, Executive Vice Chief, Lodge Secretary, Lodge Treasurer, Lodge Vice Chief of Communications, Lodge Vice Chief of Ceremonies, Lodge Vice Chief of Program, and the Two (2) Vice Chief of Membership and Unit Relations (District Representatives).
Candidates will provide a 2-minute speech as to why they feel they would be good for the position.
In the Event of a Tie – Current Lodge Officers will vote – if candidates are on the current LEC they will not vote – if all LEC members are running for the position, the whole group in attendance will vote again
In the event a candidate for a Lodge Officer position is unopposed –
All new Lodge Officers shall be sworn into office immediately following the election.
Section 5.
Defeated candidates from any office may be re-nominated from the floor for another office, provided their letter of intent covers that other office.
Section 6.
The term of office for Lodge Officers shall be one (1) year or until a new annual election can be held. Under no circumstance shall a Lodge annual election be held before eleven (11) months have passed nor extend thirteen (13) months beyond the previous annual election.
Section 7.
In the event that a Lodge Officer fails to fulfill the duties of their office, the Lodge Adviser, Lodge Chief, and Council Scout Executive shall consider the facts and determine the corrective action in accordance with the latest version of the Handbook for Officers and Advisers.
If the Lodge Chief fails to fulfill the duties of their office, the Lodge Adviser, and Council Scout Executive shall consider the facts and determine the corrective action in accordance with the latest version of the Handbook for Officers and Advisers.
Section 8.
When a vacancy occurs in any office, for any reason, the Lodge Chief, with approval of the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser/Council Executive, shall appoint a replacement until the next Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) meeting where a replacement will be voted on. Candidates must still have a letter of intent for them to be considered by the LEC. If the vacancy is in the Lodge Chief’s position, the Vice-Chief will serve until the next LEC meeting, at which an election will occur as per Sections 2 and 3 of these rules, to be held no sooner than ten (10) days after a Lodge Chief vacancy and no more than forty-five (45) days after a Lodge Chief vacancy.
Article V — Lodge Meetings and Events
Section 1.
The Lodge calendar shall include, at a minimum:
LEC Meetings (at least one a month)
Spring Induction Weekend
Fall Induction Weekend
Spring Fellowship Weekend
Summer Fellowship Weekend
Fall Fellowship Weekend
Winter Fellowship
Section Conclave
Summer Fellowship Weekend
Holiday Party
Annual Business Meeting
Other Events shall include:
Council Events
Section Events / Trainings
Region Events / Trainings
National Events / Trainings
Section 2.
Each meeting of the Lodge shall be opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and Obligation of the Order of the Arrow.
Section 3.
The Lodge Chief, upon request of the Lodge Executive Committee, shall be obliged to hold a special meeting of the Lodge within forty-five (45) days upon the request.
Section 4.
The Lodge will conduct the Annual Business Meeting at the Fall Fellowship or Holiday Party where the following must be addressed:
Lodge Rules and Operating Procedures
Lodge Budget for next year
Lodge Calendar for next year
Election of Lodge Officers
Article VI — The Lodge Executive Committee
Section 1.
The Lodge Executive Committee shall be composed of the Nine (9) elected Lodge Officers, and their Advisers, the Immediate Past Lodge Chief, any Committee Chairs and their Advisers, the Lodge Adviser, the Lodge Staff Adviser, and the Council Executive. The Lodge Chief will serve as the Lodge Executive Committee Chair.
Section 2.
The voting members of the Lodge Executive Committee are the nine (9) elected Lodge Officers, and the Immediate Past Lodge Chief. Each voting member of the Lodge Executive Committee, except the Lodge Chief, will have one (1) vote on the committee. Each voting member of the Lodge Executive Committee must be present to vote, and their votes are not transferable. The Lodge Chief will only be allowed a vote in tie breaking situations. Those members of the Lodge Executive Committee over the age of twenty-one (21) can participate and advise but shall not have a vote in the business of the Committee.
Section 3.
The Lodge Executive Committee shall hold at least four (4) scheduled business meetings per year, including the Annual Business Meeting to equal five (5).
Section 4.
Special Meetings of the Lodge Executive Committee may be called by the Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, or the Council Scout Executive.
Section 5.
The Lodge Executive Committee will vote on Special Events not listed in the lodge rules, camp grants, and other expenditures that are not explicitly related to the necessary Lodge operations and its subsequent events listed in the lodge rules.
Article VII — Committees
Section 1.
The Lodge Chief / or Vice Chiefs with permission of the Lodge Chief shall create and appoint such operational committees, and their chairs, as may be required from time to time with the approval of the Lodge Executive Committee. All operating committee members and their chairs shall be under the age of twenty-one (21) and have an Adult Adviser. Committee chairs to each operating committee chair are appointed by the Lodge Chief in conjunction with the Lodge Adviser. Committee advisers to each operating committee are appointed by the Lodge Adviser in conjunction with the Lodge Chief, with approval from the Scout Executive or Staff Adviser.
Article VIII — Finances
Section 1.
All Order of the Arrow funds shall be handled through the Allegheny Highlands Council #382, Scouting America out of Falconer, New York, and go through all normal accounting procedures used by the Council. Under the direct eye of Lodge Leadership.
Section 2.
Lodge annual membership dues shall be paid to Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge at Lodge Events, Events the Lodge is helping with and able to collect dues at, or via online systems setup by the Lodge.
Lodge annual membership dues shall be determined by the Lodge in the annual budget.
Currently Membership Dues shall be $20.00 and cover one (1) calendar year from January 1st to December 31st
Having a Scouting America Membership does not mean your Lodge dues are paid, members still need to pay their membership within the Lodge.
Ordeal Candidates – Dues are part of the event payment for their Induction Weekend.
A Current membership card shall be available to print via the Membership Portal (provided by the National Order of the Arrow) or
Section 3.
The annual budget is submitted by the Lodge Treasurer and approved by the Lodge at the Annual Business Meeting. In the development of the annual budget, funds shall be made available for the mailings, activities, and annual expenses of the Lodge.
Section 4.
The registration fees for all Lodge events shall be determined by the Lodge Officers and Advisers as deemed necessary.
Section 5.
All other financial policies are stated in the Lodge Financial Policy approved by the Lodge Executive Committee and maintained as a separate document from the rules. The Lodge Financial Policy must be posted on the Lodge website.
Article IX — Lodge Rules
Section 1.
These Lodge Rules govern this Lodge in all cases in which they are applicable, and they are not to be inconsistent with the rules or special rules that the Lodge adopts in compliance with those of the Order of the Arrow. The Lodge must comply with, or amend any rules that are inconsistent with, any rules adopted by the National Order of the Arrow Committee or Scouting America. Failure to amend these rules does not remove the obligation of the Lodge and its members to comply with National Order of the Arrow Committee and Scouting America policies and membership requirements.
Section 2.
The Lodge Chief has the responsibility to follow and implement these rules during LEC meetings and to answer any questions should they arise in the implementation of practices found in the rules.
Article X — Amending the Rules
Section 1.
The rules shall be subject to amendment at any regular or special meeting of this Lodge provided that the Lodge Secretary submits the proposed amendments in writing for comment to the Lodge Executive Committee at least one (1) month prior to such a meeting, and that due notice has been sent to all active members at least two (2) weeks prior to such a meeting. The Lodge Secretary will make any changes deemed appropriate based on the comments raised from any active lodge member. The new changes will then be sent to all active members prior to the vote.
Section 2.
The Lodge Secretary shall acknowledge that they have received a proposal to amend the rules promptly after the Lodge Executive Committee has received the proposed amendment.
Section 3.
An affirmative vote of one-half (1/2) of the active voting members as defined in Article III, section 10, in attendance at the meeting is required to put an amendment of these rules to a vote.
Section 4.
An affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the active voting members in attendance and present shall be required to amend these rules.
Section 5.
Both voting situations, as defined in Article X, section 3, and Article X, section 4, must be done in an anonymous manner fitly chosen by the person proposing the rule changes, this will typically be that of either the acting Lodge Chief, or the acting Lodge Secretary.
A. Lodge Song "Heron Man"
(Each time the song is done one member is picked to be Heron Man to yell the bolded line when time)
Heron Man, Heron Man, Doing things that Heron can.
What’s he like? It’s not important. Heron Man.
Is he our totem, or is he a bird?
People just think that he’s absurd.
He’s our hero none the less.
Heron Man.
HO-NAN-NE-HO-ONT Lodge 1 6 5
HO-NAN-NE-HO-ONT Lodge 1 6 fiiiiiive!!!!!!
B. Web Presence: Subject to Change at any time
Main Website -
Social Media Pages:
Facebook Page -
Facebook Group -
Instagram -
Threads, An Instagram App -
X (Formerly Twitter) -
YouTube -
Snapchat (Stories) -
TikTok -
Mobile Application(s) -
TeamReach - For Information Visit -